The participant agrees the following conditions by applying the relevant contest:
• The participant should be residing at Maslak 1453. (Tenant and/or landlord)
• There shall be no age limit.
• The theme of the painting should be related to Father's Day.
• The painting technique of the paintings, the video shooting technique of the videos and the writing technique of the writings to be submitted to the contest shall be free. 
• The contents that have been submitted to or awarded in any other contests or shown on media before shall not be allowed.
• Each contestant can participate in the contest only with one content.
• The full name and telephone number should be written on the back side of the paintings that will be submitted to the contest. The painting should be left in the reception until 8:00 PM on Wednesday, June 17, 2020.
• The size of the painting that will be submitted to the contest should be at least A4. (a larger paper may also be used.)
• The works (paintings) submitted to the contest are not returned to the owner. Without prejudice to the right of the owner of the painting, the entire concession of the painting shall belong to the Management of Maslak 1453, which organize the contest. All participants shall acknowledge that they agree such terms and conditions.
• The videos to be submitted to the contest should be maximum 2 minutes in length, and sent by e-mail.
• The writings to be submitted to the contest should consist of maximum 400 words, and sent by e-mail. 
• All participants shall acknowledge in advance that they read, understand and agree the terms and conditions of the contest. The review and evaluation of compliance of the participants with the terms and conditions of the contest shall be carried out exclusively by the Management of Maslak 1453 within the scope of the information based on the declaration of the participants. The Management of Maslak 1453 may change these terms and conditions and rules if necessary without prior notice.
• The participation to contest shall start on June 12, 2020 and ends on June 17, 2020, at 8:00 PM.
• The winning contents shall be determined by the jury consisting of the Management of Maslak 1453, the Painter Tulin Cabuk Dominiak, writer Tansel Baybara, and the director Esra Akturk. The results shall be announced at Welcome Summer Shopping Fest to be organized at Maslak 1453 Amfi on Friday, June 19, and at www.maslak1453yonetim.com on June 22.
*Valid until December 31, 2020.