Here are the results of the contest "Can You Tell About Your Father?"  Thank you for your kind interest in the contest, we have launched with reference to the Father's Day.

We observed that writing was the most commonly used method at our contest that could be joined by choosing one of the methods, namely video, picture and written expression.  Picture and video followed.

The shared contents have been evaluated by the jury consisting of the Management of Maslak 1453, the Painter Tulin Cabuk Dominiak, writer Tansel Baybara, and the director Esra Akturk, in accordance with the criteria of creativity, sincerity and compliance with the theme. It was too hard for our jury to make a selection for our contest that had very distinctive and valuable shared contents.

Accordingly, we hereby announce the winners and congratulate all of them.

  • Dear Mohammed Hosein Abbasi ranked the first and became the contester who won the dinner at PM;
  • Dear Odil Bilge Malazgirt ranked the second and became the contester who won the family lunch at RAMIZ;
  • Dear Evrim Koruyan ranked the third and became the contester who won the fitness membership for 1 month at THEPIT;
  • Dear Namigar Sahin ranked the fourth and became the contester who won the Father's Day cake from PASA FIRIN;
  • Dear Janan Alizadeh ranked the fifth and became the contester who won the pestemal (loincloth) from YURDA HOME.

Honorable Mention:

  • Dear Nida Acar became the contester who won the lunch for two at RIFKI;
  • Dear Hakan Sahin became the contester who won the breakfast for four at BIG MAMMA's;
  • Dear Hakan Demirpolat became the contester who won the hair care at MEHMET TATLI;
  • Dear Habil Baykal became the contester who won the vitamin package from MASLAK 1453 PHARMACY;
  • Dear Selma Erdogan became the contester who won the dinner at ASKANA MANTI;
  • Dear Şhırınbay Durdyyev became the contester who won the SPA Oil from CHANDELLIER DE TINA.

Our Public Relations Department will contact you by e-mail for your gift.

Management of Maslak 1453
