Dear Flat Owner/ Resident,

We wish you enjoy your new flat in Ağaoğlu Maslak 1453 Project, and also wish you live a happy and healthy life in your new flat.

The Site Management has been assigned in order to facilitate your life in Maslak 1453, to conduct any kinds of administration works pursuant to the Law of Property Ownership, Management Plan and any other relevant regulations, and to provide any services for technical operations and maintenance with respect to the infrastructures and facilities available in the common areas, including the social facilities, and for cleaning, gardening, plant care and security in the common areas as well as to maintain and increase the investment and rental value of your properties.

We hereby state that pursuant to the  Law of Property Ownership and our Management Plan,   it is of great importance to pay contributions on time in order not to encounter any problem that may affect your life in Agaoglu Maslak 1453 as well as in terms of ensuring maintance of services and protecting rights of other Flat Owners /Residents who make their payments on time.

Although any flat owners, who fails to pay their common expenses (maintanance fees), shall be subjected to pay compensation for delay in performance of the payment (5% on monthly basis), damages for delay in performance have not been implemented so far considering the fact that deliveries and services were gradually started, residents’ contact information were not confirmed and announcements of operational management plans took time. 

We kindly inform you that, as the abovementioned inconveniences and issues have been fixed, any flat owners, who fails to pay their common expenses (maintanance fees) within 10 workdays from the accrual date specified in the Operational Management Plan, shall be subjected to pay compensation for delay in performance of the payment (5% on monthly basis) with effect from 01.06.2017

We sincerely appreciate your consideration and wish you happiness and health.

Ağaoğlu Maslak 1453 Site Management
